Click here to read our latest Sunday Program

Praying the Book of Psalm

As a unified body of Christ, we are praying the Book of Psalms over our church, our community and our nation daily from Dec 1 - Jan 20 (Inauguration Day of the new President), following the program outlined at There is an optional weekly group on Thursdays, 6:30 in the Studio Room

New Year’s Eve Service

December 31, 7pm - midnight. City Light and La Viña will be holding a joint service to worship in 2025. All are welcome. There will be a pot luck dinner at midnight, Please bring food to share.

The Board is looking for volunteers

For bookkeeping and administrative/social media help. Contact a board member. As Ryan says, what’s your weird, and how can you use it for God’s Kingdom?


On Dec 22 or 29, 9AM, join an informational session about spiritual fasting. Starting Jan 1, members of the church will be fasting for 3 weeks. Doing this together strengthens, empowers and encourages us. Optional Thursday gatherings for support and discussion will be held.

Life Recovery Group

Talk to Melissa and Rick Schwemberger about this amazing program to move past what’s been preventing you from fully experiencing God’s blessings in your life. Signup by Jan 31, 2025.

Esther’s Arise

Calling all women from all the ministries on campus to ring in 2025 by praying over our church buildings and leaders - for we are here “for such a time as this!” Let's pray and sing His praises while claiming His promises of protection, blessings, healing and growth. We together are a force to restore and renew, reaching out to save the lost. Offer as much time as you are able. We will be starting at 11:00am on January 1st, 2024, with a light lunch and short lesson. Praying to start around noon.

Vineyard Westside Family Ministries

It’s gone social! For
announcements and events, join the group at or search in Facebook for “Vineyard Westside Family Ministries” and click on “Follow”.

Women’s Chosen Group

Join Any Wednesday, Hope Center: 2:30-4:30pm. Adult women are invited to join in watching “The Chosen” Series, followed by discussion of the events depicted in this creative portrayal of The Life and Ministry of God’s Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. "Come and See" what THE LORD is doing! Questions can be sent via email to Ann at

Monday Women’s Bible Study Group

Discontinued until 2025. Please text Ann (513-550-5844) with questions.

Walking Group

Every Saturday 9:30 am, all ages. Various locations. 

Contact Susan. 513-638-1184.

Men's Ministry Group

Beginning Wednesdays weekly at 6:30 pm in the Studio Room. This group is a fellowship of God’s mighty men. Meetings may include prayer, bible study, and open discussion of life and family in Christ. The group will meet in the Studio Room. With questions, contact Craig at 513-972-9136.

Creative Worship

This Group is for all Ages. Monthly, First Tuesdays 5:30-7:00 pm. Worshiping God can take many forms. This gathering will provide a creative space to get artistic and creative, with fellowship and the Lord. You can express what's been on your heart from God and it can be done with journaling, creative writing, drawing, painting, making collages, or any other way you would like to express yourself. Please bring your own supplies. Contact Michael Ginn and Amy Hayden by email or 513 520-5423.

Harvest Bible University

Did you know there is a university right here at Vineyard Westside, offered through LaVina? Classes in English are available. Contact with questions.

What do you want to see happen at VWS in the first quarter of 2025?

“If you are always keeping blessings to yourself and never learning to pour out anything ‘to the Lord,’ other people will never have their vision of God expanded through you.” Oswald Chambers. Do not ignore what the Spirit is calling you to share. Contact to organize something. JUST LOOK at everything coming up below!!!!! (see Upcoming Events) God is blessing VWS! Keep Praying!

Church Board Members

Feel free to contact any board member with ideas, questions, praises or concerns.

Chair: Rose Gebhard
Lead Pastor: Ryan Detzel
Associate Pastor: Nathan Reed
Finance Director: Melissa Schwemberger
Member: Frank Curry
Member: Greg Christopfel
Member: Jen Cline

Volunteer Opportunities

Children's Ministry – opportunities are available to help in multiple ways. Contact Nate for VWS ( or Gifty for City Light (

Food Pantry

Dec 23 - Jan 2: Community Dinner and Pantry Closed.

The Food Pantry is open Monday from 6:00-7:00 pm and Thursday from 2:00-4:00 pm and serves people living within zip codes 45211, 45248, and 45225.

Food donation items can be dropped in the barrel outside the lobby. Staples that are always needed: Dry goods (such as Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Rice, Cereal, Ramen Noodles), Canned goods (such as Soup, Vegetables, Meat, Pasta Sauce, Beans), Toiletries (such as Bar Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Deodorant).

For monetary donations, cash or checks made out to “Renewed Hope Resource Center”.

If you would like to help out or have questions, please email Kim Parrish at

Vineyard Westside Business Referral Network

Do you have a business that you would like others to know about? Or perhaps you have skills or tale you would like to share with others?

Then drop off your business card or sign up at the Connections Desk to be a part of our new Business Referral Network! This is a great way to connect with your church community and beyond!

August Baptism Photos

Please contact Greg Christophel for pictures.

Upcoming Events

●  Dec 1, 2024 - Jan 20, 2025: Praying the Book of Psalms

●  Dec 22, 29: Corporate Fasting Info/Prep Group, 9am

●  Dec 23-Jan 2: Community Dinner and Pantry Closed

●  Dec 24: Joint Christmas Eve Service, 4-5 pm

●  Dec 26: Psalm Discussion Group

●  Dec 31: New Year’s Eve Service, City Light & La Vina, 7pm-midnight

●  Jan 1: Esther’s Arise: A women’s’ Prayer Event

●  Jan 1-Jan 20: Corporate Fast

●  Jan 6: Life Recovery Group

●  Jan 6: Women’s Chosen Group

●  Jan 7: Creative Worship

●  Jan 8: Men’s Ministry

●  Feb 2, May 4, Aug 3, Nov 26: Seat at the Table Meetings: Ministry Leaders in Studio Room

●  Sprint 2025: Alpha Class - Stay Tuned