Praying the Book of Psalm

As a unified body of Christ, we are praying the Book of Psalms over our church, our community and our nation daily from Dec 1 - Jan 20 (Inauguration Day of the new President), following the program outlined at The spiritual battle is not over and we continue to pray for another 50 days, Jan 21 - Mar 10. Contact to join.

Renewed Hope Resource Center Donation Drive

The RHRC is looking for donations of the following items. Please consider bring in these items on or before March 16th. Powdered milk, Gloves and Scarves, Lotion, Toothpaste, 3:1 Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Razors, Dish Soap.

Intercessory Prayers

At 9:00 am every Sunday, in room 113 in the lower level, a group meets for intercessory prayer. All are welcome to join.

Free Tax Prep

United Way will be providing free tax prep on Fridays, March 14 – April 11 in the Underground. Stay tuned on how to register.

Celebrating Purim

Jesus Christ our Lord is the Jewish Messiah. While here on earth, He celebrated all Jewish holidays. On Mar 13th, 6:30 pm, please join a group in the lobby for a shared meal celebrating Purim, a holiday in the book of Esther demonstrating the power of corporate fasting, God’s divine power in protecting His people, His working of all things for the good of those who believe, and the wicked falling into their own traps. Please bring a food item with apples, raisins, beans, or peas. Those who feel inclined, please consider fasting on March 13th until we eat together. We will watch a movie relaying the story of Esther. Contact

Lord’s Gym Art Gallery Fundraiser

April 11, 6-8 pm, 3428 Warsaw Ave, $10 entry. All proceeds of student art sales supports their summer programs. Contact Valerie at 513-704-0380.

Community Clean Up

March 29, 10am at St. Martin of Tours. Bags and Gloves provided with pizza at 11:30 am. RSVP by 3/26 @ 513-481-6732 or

Women’s Retreat

Spend a relaxing weekend May 30 – June 1, in a historic mansion in Aurora Indiana with your follow Christ-sisters. Space is limited. RSVP by April 27th to

What is SOZO?

The Greek word ‘sozo’ means to save, deliver, make whole or restore, heal, be whole; and is used in some form over 100 times in the New Testament when Jesus heals someone, be it physically, emotionally or spiritually. SOZO is the ‘full package’ of salvation, healing and deliverance that Jesus came to give people! When you receive a SOZO, you can become whole and walk better in the destiny to which God has called you. If interested in scheduling a SOZO, please contact

Makers Market Planning Committee - Volunteers Needed

Calling all the church – VWS will be hosting a large craft fair on Saturday, May 17th. Save the date - as we’ll need many volunteers. If you’d like to be on the Planning Committee, please contact Pastor Ryan text 513-349-1002 or

Win a Car!!!!

As a fundraiser, La Viña is raffling off a 2011 Infiniti QX56 SUV. Tickets are $50, only 250 tickets will be sold. Contact if you’d like to enter. The raffle will take place as soon as all tickets are sold.

La Vina and City Light

Offer additional bilingual events each week. Please see the Church App Calendar.

Interested in a Sewing Class?

Cindy Burman would like to hold a 4-6 week sewing class. Machinery and materials will be provided. Please contact Cindy at 260-580-9511, if you are interested in participating.

What do you want to see happen at VWS?

“If you are always keeping blessing to yourself and never learning to pour out anything ‘to the Lord,’ other people will never have their vision of God expanded through you.” Oswald Chambers. Do not ignore what the Spirit is calling you to share. Contact to organize something. God is blessing VWS! Keep Praying!

Upper Room

In the bell tower, a quiet space for prayer and calling on the Holy Spirit has been created. This will be open at 9 am every Sunday before the VWS service.  Go all the way up the stairs by the kitchen into the storage room, through the next door on the right the bell tower. Watch your head. Note, the bell may be rung at anytime without warning, bringing your prayers to heaven.

Men's Ministry Group

Wednesdays weekly at 6:30 pm in the Studio Room. This group is a fellowship of God’s mighty men. Meetings may include prayer, bible study, and open discussion of life and family in Christ. The group will meet in the Studio Room. With questions, contact Craig at 513-972-9136.

Dinner and Food Pantry

Renewed Hope Resource Center. Our Community Dinner is open for a hot meal on Mondays from 6:00-7:00 PM in the Underground: Dine-In or Carry-Out. Everyone is welcome.

The Food Pantry is open Monday from 6:00-7:00 p.m. and Thursday from 2:00-4:00PM and serves people living within zip codes 45211, 45248, and 45225.

Food donation items can be dropped in the barrel outside the lobby. Staples that are always needed: Dry goods (such as Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Rice, Cereal, Ramen Noodles), Canned goods (such as Soup, Vegetables, Meat, Pasta Sauce, Beans), Toiletries (such as Bar Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Deodorant).

For monetary donations, cash or checks made out to “Renewed Hope Resource Center”.

If you would like to help out or have questions, please email Kim Parrish at

Creative Worship

This Group is for all Ages. Monthly, First Tuesdays 5:30-7:00 pm. Worshiping God can take many forms. This gathering will provide a creative space to get artistic and creative, with fellowship and the Lord. You can express what's been on your heart from God and it can be done with journaling, creative writing, drawing, painting, making collages, or any other way you would like to express yourself. Please bring your own supplies. Contact Michael Ginn and Amy Hayden by email or 513 520-5423.

Walking Group

Every Saturday 9:30 am, all ages. Various locations. 

Contact Susan. 513-638-1184.

AA Meeting

AA meets at Vineyard Westside on Fridays @ 7:30 pm.

Vineyard National Conference - RSVP If you are interested in attending the Vineyard National Conference July 14-17, please notify If we all register together, we will get a group discount BEFORE March 31. Cost without discounts is $225/person. There are limited spots to attend for discount/free with 8-14 hours of volunteering. See the website.

Volunteer Opportunities

Children's Ministry – opportunities are available to help in multiple ways. Contact Nate for VWS ( or Gifty for City Light (

Vineyard Westside Business Referral Network

Do you have a business that you would like others to know about? Or perhaps you have skills or tale you would like to share with others?

Then drop off your business card or sign up at the Connections Desk to be a part of our new Business Referral Network! This is a great way to connect with your church community and beyond!

Upcoming Events

Daily - Mar 10: Praying the Book of Psalms

Mar 4: Creative Worship

Mar 5: Men’s Ministry

Mar 5 - Apr 16: Alpha Class (Wednesdays)

Mar 8: Movie Night with City Light - 4-8 PM Hope Center

Mar 13: Celebrating Purim – Meal & Movie Night

Mar 14 – Apr 11: United Way Free Tax Prep (Fridays)

Mar 16: RHRC Donation Drive Completion

Mar 29: Community Clean up

Apr 5: VBS Volunteer Training

Apr 11: Lord’s Gym Art Gallery Fundraiser

Apr 12: Easter Egg Hunt by City Light Church, 12-2 pm

Apr 17: Celebrating Passover and the Last Supper

Apr 18: Joint Good Friday Service

May 4, Aug 3, Nov 26: Seat at the Table Meetings: Ministry Leaders in Loft Room

May 17: Markers Market Craft Fair

Jun 23 – Jun 26: Vacation Bible School

July 14-18: Vineyard USA National Conference, Cincinnati, OH